Program : Degree

Course : Malaysian Economy

Code : ECMB313

Credit Hours : 03

Contact Hours : 03

Semester : Semester 1 Academic Year 2012/2013

Subject Synopsis

This course provides the student with an overview of the Malaysian economy - the role of the government and its economic interaction with other countries in the region. Topics such as government economic plans and policies, income distribution and poverty eradication, labour force and labour relations, the financial system and international trade and investment will be covered in this course.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course, students are expected to:

1. Critically analyse the Malaysian economy and its components.

2. Apprehend the economic development of the nation thus far.

3. Apprehend fundamental economic analysis provided by the media.

4. Rationally analyse the macro economy environment and the external factors in business decision-makings.

5. Assess, analyze and suggest appropriately methods on economy crisis.

6. Rationally analyse the implication of macro economy environment, current issues and implications of the current policies.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

7: Other government policies

New Development Policy 1990-2000

    NDP is continuation of NEP to promote balance development.
    National unity  remains the ultimate goal of socio-economic development.
    It because united society is fundamental for social and political stability and sustained development.
    Development policies and strategies under the NDP take into account of the diversities of Malaysian.
   Maintains the basic strategies of the NEP because  poverty incidences still persist and income inequality between group actually widened.

        The strategies:
1. To reduce and eradicate poverty.
  2. To accelerate the process of restructuring   Malaysian society.
However besides retaining the basic strategies of NEP, NDP has four new dimension

Four new dimension
Shift the focus of anti-poverty strategy towards eradication of hard core poverty while at the same time reducing poverty.

 Focus on employment and rapid development of an active Bumiputra Commercial and Industrial Community

Rely more on the private sector to in involved in the restructuring objective by creating greater opportunities for its growth.

 Focus on human resource development as a fundamental requirement for achieving the objective of growth and distribution.

Development thrust for the NDP will encompass the following critical aspects: 
Growth and equity
A balance development
Reducing and eliminating the social and economic inequalities
Strengthening national integration
Developing a progressive society
Human resource development
Science and technology
Protection of environment and ecology

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