Program : Degree

Course : Malaysian Economy

Code : ECMB313

Credit Hours : 03

Contact Hours : 03

Semester : Semester 1 Academic Year 2012/2013

Subject Synopsis

This course provides the student with an overview of the Malaysian economy - the role of the government and its economic interaction with other countries in the region. Topics such as government economic plans and policies, income distribution and poverty eradication, labour force and labour relations, the financial system and international trade and investment will be covered in this course.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course, students are expected to:

1. Critically analyse the Malaysian economy and its components.

2. Apprehend the economic development of the nation thus far.

3. Apprehend fundamental economic analysis provided by the media.

4. Rationally analyse the macro economy environment and the external factors in business decision-makings.

5. Assess, analyze and suggest appropriately methods on economy crisis.

6. Rationally analyse the implication of macro economy environment, current issues and implications of the current policies.

Sunday, May 27, 2012


Each one must possess a textbook. In this subject we shall use text.

Main references 
  1. Poh Wai Ching., The Development of Malaysia Economy, Prentice Hall, Malaysia, 2007.or 2008.
  2. Habibah Lehar, The MALAYSIAN Economy Past and Present, UPENA (UiTM), Second Printing, 2007.
Additional references:

·   Ahmad Sarji ed, Malaysia’s Visión 2020: Understanding the concept, Implications & Challenges’, Cetakan ke 3, Percetakan Cs, Pelanduk Publivation (M) Sdan. Bhd, 1993.
·        Akbal Abdullah & Ahmad Zaidi Johari, Globalisasi Ekonomi dan Strategi Malaysia, KUITTO, Cetakan Pertama 2003.
·         Just Faaland, Jack Parkinson et, Dasar Ekonomi Baru: Pertumbuhan Negara dan Pencapaian Ekonomi Orang Melayu’, Cetakan kedua, Ultimate Print Sdn Bhd, Petaling Jaya, 2002.
·         Mahathir Mohamad, Excerpts from the speeches of Mahathir Mohamad on the multimedia Super Corridor, Pelanduk Publication, 1998.
·      Mustafa Dakian, K- Ekonomi Pemancu Ekonomi di Malaysia, Utusan Publication & Distributors SDN BHD, Terbitan 2007.
·         Nor Aini Haji Idris et al. Kegawatan Ekonomi: Impak terhadap Golongan Berpendapatan Rendah, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Cetakan Pertama 2007.
·         Nurizan Yahaya, Kemiskinan dan Perumahan di Bandar: Peranan pemerintah dan penyelesaian, Cetakan pertama, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1998.
·         Okposin S.B, Abdul Hamid A.H and Boon O.H., The Changing Phases of Malaysian Economy, Pelanduk Publications. 1999.
·         Okposin, Samual Bassy et (Ter), Perubahan Fasa Ekonomi Malaysia, ITNB, UP& D dan UPENA (UiTM), 2003.
·         Rahmah Ismail, `Ekonomi Pembangunan: Isu sumber Manusia’, Cetak pertama, Penerbit UKM, 2003.
·         Rahmah Ismail, `Dimensi Ekonomi Pembangunan: Teori dan Realiti’, Cetak pertama, Malindo Printers sdn bhd, Penerbit UKM, 2003.
·         Siwa C. and Hassan S.K, Ekonomi Malaysia, 3rd Edition, Kuala Lumpur: Longman Malaysia.

·         The Eighth Malaysia Plan and The Ninth Malaysia Plan.
·         The Economist.
·         The Far East Economic Review.
·         The New Straits Times.
·         The Star.

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